Michael Dakduk, Student Veterans of America & the Association of
Private Sector Colleges and Universities: The Evolution of Student Veterans of
In January 2008, as part of a grassroots movement members
from various campus student veteran organizations came together at a meeting in
Chicago and Student Veterans of America was born.
The original goal of SVA was to provide programs, resources,
and support to the ever-evolving network of local student veteran
organizations. Concurrently, SVA and a number of Veteran Service Organizations
were tirelessly advocating for an overhaul of the G.I. Bill to address the
needs of the 21st Century student veteran. One month following the first
national SVA conference in Washington, DC and six months after SVA's founding,
President George W. Bush signed into law the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill.
Since SVA’s founding in 2008, SVA’s presence at the local
and national levels has grown to include over 950 chapter affiliates, numerous
private and nonprofit partners, and most importantly, an expanding list of programs
and services for veterans. Additionally, since 2008, SVA’s annual revenue and
support has grown to over $1.2 million in 2011 and an estimated $1.5 million in
2012 (2012 IRS Form 990 had not been publicly released by SVA as of this blog
post). To that end, SVA’s stated vision is that “all veterans will succeed in
higher education, achieve their academic goals and gain meaningful employment. To
provide greater context to the history of SVA the following timeline chronicles
the organization’s humble and at times turbulent beginnings to where they stand
as an organization nearly 6 years later:
January 11-12, 2008: 60 student veterans from approximately
20 universities representing 13 states meet to form a national organization, the
Student Veterans of America (SVA) at the 1st SVA conference held in
Chicago, Ill. Derek Blumke is named President, Elizabeth O'Herrin is named Executive Director, Anthony Allman and Luke Stalcup are
named as the remaining board members. Additionally,
5 Regional Directors are named. Notable quotes from the event: “As part of its
core mission SVA is committed to placing student veterans' resource offices or
coordinators on college campuses. Their goal is to address the issues facing
student veterans. Student Veterans of America is beginning, through grassroots
efforts by student veterans, to advocate for much needed changes to current
policies dealing with the education of veterans. In the future SVA will continue
to advocate on and off campus, and assist universities in providing adequate
resources and progra ms for veterans.”[1]
January 23, 2008: Student Veterans of America is officially
incorporated as a non-profit organization in the state of Michigan. Unbeknownst to the SVA membership the organization was filed as a non-membership organization in which SVA “members” or member chapters had no voting rights in non-profit affairs of the organization they helped found.[2]
June 11-13, 2008: 1st SVA National Conference is
held in Washington, DC. Kevin Blanchard is elected Vice President, Russell
Silver is name Secretary and John Powers is named Executive Director. As part of the conference weekend SVA members
lobby legislator’s in support of passage of the Post 9/11 GI Bill By late 2008
SVA had become an approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and designed a
very locally-focused, decentralized leadership model. It was straightforward,
easy to understand, and bred a meritocracy within the SVA ranks. Local chapter
leaders answered to, and received direction from State Directors who in turn took their guidance from a Regional Director who oversaw one of five regions each composed of ten states and answered to the President and national leadership of SVA.[3]
August 28, 2008: then-SVA Northeast Regional Director John Powers named SVA Director of Outreach.
September 1, 2008: After accepting a position with the American Council on Education Elizabeth O’Herrin resigns as Executive Director of SVA. She is succeeded by then-Western Regional Director Nathaniel Donnelly.
October 2008: Nathaniel Donnelly resigns as Student Veterans of America Executive Director. John Powers named Executive Director.
February 2009: SVA Board of Directors members Anthony Allman and Luke Stalcup
unsuccessfully attempt to amend SVA bylaws pertaining to removal of board members.
February 2009: Anthony Allman is removed from the SVA Board
of Directors.
April 17-19, 2009: 2nd Annual Student Veterans of America Conference held in San Francisco, CA. Derek Blumke is re-elected as President, Michael Dakduk is elected Vice President and Marello Harris is elected Secretary. Consequently, all are appointed or re-appointed to the SVA Board of Directors.
May 2009: John Powers resigns as Executive Director and succeeded
by acting president and board member Derek Blumke.
July 2009: Russell Silver resigns as SVA secretary after
publicly disagreeing with John Powers being fired as Executive Director. Marello Harris is named SVA secretary.
March 2010: The 3rd Annual SVA conference scheduled for April 22-25th is cancelled roughly one month before the event was to be held at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. It is widely believed that the conference was abruptly cancelled as a result of fear among the SVA Board of Directors that candidates running under the SVA reform platform campaign would win their respective election races subsequently ousting incumbents such as Derek Blumke from power.
October 1-4th, 2010: The 3rd Annual SVA national conference is held at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. Among the Conference’s sponsors is DeVry University a for-profit institution of higher education. Further, in a closed door meeting involving members of the SVA Board of Directors, DeVry University veteran and military recruitment staff member is taken to task by SVA state leadership regarding substantiated complaints by a DeVry student veteran for its lack of promised support to veterans at one of its satellite locations that is inconsistent with their stated and published recruitment claims. Nevertheless, the SVA Board of Directors is dismissive of the matter citing the lack of an expressed written contract. Additionally, Michael Campbell is named SVA’s second president, Jeremy Glasstetter named Vice President and Dan Sewell is named Secretary. However, it would mark the first time in SVA history that national officers elected by students are not appointed to the SVA board of directors.[4],[5]
2010: SVA board of directors endorses passage of S.3447: Post-9/11 Veterans
Educational Assistance Improvements Act of 2010 despite opposition and warnings
of unintended consequences among SVA chapters, student veterans as well as
state and regional directors. Once signed into law, S.3447 would: 1) Increase
access to Post 9/11 GI Bill Benefits to those who were otherwise not entitled,
like National Guard members activated under Title 32 and non-degree seeking
students interested in flight school or correspondence classes, 2) active duty
members and spouses will receive the $1000 a year book stipend, 3) Gives students
using Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits the choice to elect the sometimes
more generous living stipend of the Post-9/11 GI Bill, 4) Allows reimbursement
for tests used for admission into college (SAT, ACT, GMAT, LSAT) and 5) Students
taking only online classes will receive a housing allowance half the national
average, at $673 a month if 100 percent qualified (36 months of active duty
time). However, S.3447 as written would
eliminate break pay between the fall and spring semesters as a means to help
pay for the aforementioned students to use benefits. Although Post 9/11 GI Bill benefit recipients
understood this compromise as written, it faced opposition from many SVA
chapters, student veterans as well as regional and state directors since break
pay eased the burden to pay rent and in many cases support families between
semesters. Further, with knowledge of the August 2010 GAO report in which
undercover tests at 15 for-profit colleges found that 4 colleges encouraged fraudulent practices and that all 15 made deceptive or otherwise questionable statements to GAO’s undercover applicants and that the majority of programs offering online only classes are operated by said institutions, several SVA leaders at the state level opposed the measure providing eligible students taking only online classes a housing allowance as written. Moreover, the SVA Board of Directors ignored warnings by the aforementioned state level SVA leadership that without provisions to help enforce state and federal laws protecting beneficiaries the measure as written would encourage fraud and predatory recruitment by unscrupulous institutions seeking to profiteer of the Post 9/11 GI Bill and unsuspecting beneficiaries with the disadvantage of asymmetric information. To remedy this, said state leadership proposed adding an amendment to S.3447 that would provide additional funding to state approving agencies in all 50 states to ensure the necessary resources for adequate enforcement of federal and state consumer protection laws covered under U.S. Code Title 38 Section 36.96: Limitation on Certain Advertising, Sales and Enrollment Practices.[6],[7],[8],[9]
November 2010: Former Vice President, Michael Dakduk named Executive Director
December 2010: Approximately two months into his tenure, President Michael Campbell abruptly resigns, and Jeremy Glasstetter is named President. It is widely believed that Michael Campbell was forced to resign by the SVA Board of Directors after continued disagreements over the direction of the organization.
February 2011: During a SVA membership conference call Executive Director publicly acknowledges for the first time in 3 years that SVA is registered as a non-membership 501c (3) organization in which SVA “members” or member chapters have no voting rights in non-profit affairs of the organization.
April 2011: Rapid growth would exceed the organization’s capacity to offer optimal support to chapters and SVA's leadership felt that was unacceptable. In response, SVA dedicated itself to organizational restructuring and program maturation with support from the Bridgespan Group as part of a grant funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The end goal of this process was to have a flexible, efficient operational model that will ensure SVA’s programs and resources have maximum impact in the lives of student veterans. As a result, the decision was made to eliminate all state and regional leadership in favor of one Student Council composed of six students including the President and Vice President. This was understandably a highly controversial move that some student veterans felt left them disenfranchised and disconnected from the national leadership.[10],[11]
June 2-5th, 2011: SVA hosts first national
leadership summit at University of Wisconsin-Madison.[12]
August 3, 2011: Mike Dakduk expresses concerns that budget hawks seeking to reduce federal spending will flail the Post 9/11 GI Bill.[13]
August 25, 2011: Major General Michael Lehnert (Ret) joins Student Veterans of America Board of Directors.
September 1, 2011: SVA post tweet referring to helpful tips from our friends at GIBill.com operated by then-APSCU member QuinStreet Inc., that in June 2012 was ordered to be shut down and turned over to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (see below). Additionally, Quinstreet Inc., agreed to pay a $2.5 million fine and to provide better disclosures on its multiple marketing websites that target veterans and active duty military. The investigation of Quinstreet, Inc., included a review of 8,000 emails to QuinStreet through the GIBill.com site, many of which came from veterans who thought they were communicating with government officials.
September 19, 2011: Via Twitter SVA references mother jones article that more than 60 percent of military students ultimately default on their loans at for-profit schools.
September 22, 2011: Via Twitter SVA echoes Senators concerns over rise of GI Bill funds going to for-profit colleges
September 22, 2011: Via Twitter SVA posts link to Holly Petreaus’ NY Times article on For-Profit schools
September 1, 2011: SVA post tweet referring to helpful tips from our friends at GIBill.com operated by then-APSCU member QuinStreet Inc., that in June 2012 was ordered to be shut down and turned over to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (see below). Additionally, Quinstreet Inc., agreed to pay a $2.5 million fine and to provide better disclosures on its multiple marketing websites that target veterans and active duty military. The investigation of Quinstreet, Inc., included a review of 8,000 emails to QuinStreet through the GIBill.com site, many of which came from veterans who thought they were communicating with government officials.
September 19, 2011: Via Twitter SVA references mother jones article that more than 60 percent of military students ultimately default on their loans at for-profit schools.
September 22, 2011: Via Twitter SVA echoes Senators concerns over rise of GI Bill funds going to for-profit colleges
September 22, 2011: Via Twitter SVA posts link to Holly Petreaus’ NY Times article on For-Profit schools
September 23, 2011: Mike Dakduk speaks on behalf of disabled
student veteran who alleges college kicked him out over combat service
connected disability.[14]
October 12, 2011:
SVA awarded Gates foundation Grant[15]
November 4, 2011: Via twitter SVA comments on correct to Harkin Report. Reference APSCU claims that of negative publicity blanket for entire sector.[16]
November 15, 2011:
SVA quotes GIBill.com article “With Right Help. Military Student May Outperform
Civilian Peers.”
November 23, 2011:
Dr. Lynda Davis and Dan Grant announced as new appointees to the SVA Board of
February 6, 2012:
Via Twitter First call for current SVA chapters to sign up and re-register on
new SVA website
February 16, 2012:
Via Twitter SVA mentions “need to re-register chapters”
February 17, 2012:
SVA re-tweets a Mission Continues tweet mentioning bill introduced to close
loophole allowing for profit colleges to take advantage of veterans
February 26, 2012: SVA tweets “Minnesota’s attorney general is investigating for-profit college recruiting of military veterans.”[17]
March 2, 2012: Via Twitter SVA mentions Chronicle of Higher Education article “Senator Mull Changes in 90/10 Rule to Rein in For-Profits.[18]
March 5, 2012: SVA re-tweets “Senators want GI Bill trademarked”
March 5, 2012: SVA re-tweets “Senators want GI Bill trademarked”
March 7, 2012: Via Twitter SVA cites Inside Higher Ed article that shows “unregulated for-profits receive big chunk of military spouse tuition aid.”[19]
March 9, 2012: SVA re-tweets Military Times article “Webb: Limit GI Bill at for-profit schools”[20]
March 10, 2012: Via Twitter SVA references Federal New Radio report “How common are government trademarks? which highlights press release by Senator Barbara Boxer calling for trademarking the phrase GI Bill as a means to address predatory recruitment and false advertising that targets prospective students.[21]
March 21, 2012: On Twitter feed, SVA announces re-launch of Chapter Map
March 21, 2012: On Twitter feed, SVA announces re-launch of Chapter Map
March 27, 2012: Via twitter feed and statement to Senator Patty Murray, SVA supports GI Bill Consumer Awareness Act of 2012[22]
March 28, 2012: Via Twitter SVA announces support of Senator Jim Webb’s legislation to protect the Post 9/11 GI Bill
April 6, 2012: On
Twitter feed, SVA reiterates support for GI Bill Consumer Awareness Act.[24]
April 18, 2012: Michael Dakduk writes editorial Post 9/11 GI
Bill Allow For-Profit Colleges to Take Advantage of Veterans[25]
April 26, 2012: Student
Veterans of America publicly names 26 of 40 suspended chapters. Reinstates 14
chapters initially suspended. SVA indicated they have 35 for-profit-college
chapters in good standing, including the 14 that were reinstated. This would
suggest that 40 percent (26/61) of for-profit college chapters were set up as
“shell organizations to help them appeal to veteran students who carry
lucrative government tuition benefits.” In a statement, Steve Gunderson,
President of the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities, said
officials there were unaware of any problems with members’ SVA chapters before the announcement. "Obviously,
we take our commitments to and our service for veterans very seriously,"
he said. "Once we learn of the specific schools, we will reach out to them
to determine if there are misunderstandings or problems that can be resolved.[26]
April 26, 2012:
SVA applauds President’s EO. Half of 26 chapters that SVA revoked charter
membership were owned by the: Education Managemen t Corporation.[27]
April 27, 2012: Via
Twitter SVA claims to be leading on for-profit fight.[28]
April 28, 2012: SVA
tweets “Quality at for profit colleges vary widely”
April 30, 2012:
ABC News profile’s SVA Executive Director Michael Dakduk in article “U.S. Veterans Targeted by Marketers in
College Selection Process”[29]
May 8, 2012:
Colonel David Sutherland (Ret.) joins SVA Board of Directors
May 14, 2012: SVA
re-tweets USA Today Article “Veterans are not dollar signs in uniform”[30]
June 6, 2012: SVA
tweets “Schools cooperating with ne w order, VA says”[31]
June 27, 2012:
Via SVA Twitter account states “SVA at the AG settlement with @GIBill_info.
“This company preyed on our #Veterans who received ed benefits.””
July 2, 2012: SVA
publicly refutes NBC News Article stating 88% of vets drop out in the first
year and only 3% graduate. No numbers currently exist on Post 9/11 Student Vets.[32]
July 6, 2012:
Twitter post SVA Leaders Respond to recent Criticisms of VA Secretary Eric Shinseki
stating “We offer solutions, not empty criticisms.”
July 12, 2012: Via
Twitter SVA highlights that Ashford University loses the academic accreditation
with more that 50% of students dropping out.
July 16, 2012:
Executive Director Michael Dakduk visits Chapter leaders and University
President at ECPIU, a for-profit university.
July 16, 2012:
SVA tweet quotes Minneapolis Star Tribune op-ed by for-profit professor, “The reality in higher education is that profit or non-for-profit status is no guarantee of quality.”[33]
July 16, 2012:
SVA tweets “Backlash builds as for-profit schools rake in GI Bill funds” while post link for LA Times article “Anger grows over GI Bill profiteers”[34]
July 16-17, 2012:
SVA partners with Google to host Google Student Veteran Summit
July 20-22, 2012:
SVA partners with Google to host SVA Leadership Institute in Mountain View,
July 30, 2012:
Via Twitter SVA quotes Senate HELP committee report “For-Profit Colleges Leave Students “with debt but no degree”[35]
August 24, 2012: Michael
Dakduk participates in a roundtable discussion along with representatives from
APSCU and their member institutions on the Treatment of military veterans by
for-profit colleges and universities at the 2012 American Legion
Convention. Dakduk scapegoats the media
for “influencing public and political opinion of veterans’ education” as it
relates to the for-profit sector and states that “I think this (roundtable) is
a testament to what key players are really doing.” These comments were
apparently made in light for-profit representatives’ vehement criticism of the
Senate HELP committee report on for-profit higher education and ensure student success led the Senator Tom Harkin, in particular, Suzanne Palmer of the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities. [36]
August 28, 2012: An SVA tweet “A difference perspective: Graduates of for-profit Colleges Fare About the Same in Earnings Study” grossly misquotes a National Bureau of Economic Research study referred to a in a Chronicle of Higher Education article. The study states, among those entering certificate programs, we find no benefit of receiving a certificate from any type of institution. However, SVA omits the following study findings: 1) Income in 2009 was approximately $5500 lower for students starting certificate programs at for-profit institutions than for students starting at not-for-profit/public institutions, statistically significant at the.01 level. 2) Income in 2009 was approximately $3000 less for students starting associate degree programs at for-profit institutions than those starting in not-for-profit/public institutions, statistically significant at the .05 significance level. 3) Students who obtain certificates/degrees from a public or not-for-profit institution receive a large wage premium.4) There is no evidence that students gain from obtaining any certificate or degree from a for-profit institution and 5) Dropouts from associates’ degree programs do worse if they started at a for-profit school.[37]
November 16, 2012:
Google names the Institute for Veterans and Military Families, Student
Veterans of America, the Posse Foundation and Veterans of
Foreign Wars as recipients of a $3.2 million Global Impact Award to support
data analysis of U.S. veterans’ higher education. The study will be made public
and answer critical questions: 1) Which colleges are most successful at supporting veterans through to graduation day? 2) What on-campus programs have the biggest impact? 3) How do veterans’ education majors stack up against employment opportunities?[38]
January 2013: HSC Foundation awards Student Veterans of America a grant to assume the management and operation of the National Veterans Center (NVC)[39]
January 4, 2013:
Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Eric K. Shinseki announced
a major collaboration between Student Veterans of America (SVA), the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), and the VA designed to track the success of student veterans at a national level.[40]
January 4, 2013:
SVA tweets Lack of information on for-profit schools, contributes to
misconceptions, feeds into partisan issues according to media panel during 2013
National Convention.
March 2, 2013:
SVA announces 750th chapter.
April 10, 2013: Executive
Director Michael Dakduk testifies before House Committee on Veterans Affairs
regarding GI Bill Tuition Fairness Act of 2013.[41]
May 7: Via
Twitter SVA announces launch of Summer Ambassador program
June 20, 2013:
SVA executive director Michael Dakduk came before the House Veterans Affairs
Committee Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity June 20th to
testify on the importance of tracking student veteran success ra tes, and to share best practices he has seen throughout his travels to over 150 college and university campuses.[42]
July 1, 2013: SVA
announces 850th chapter.
August 25, 2013:
Via twitter SVA misquotes P resident of the United States. POTUS asked about bad actors-says problems are across the board not just in for profits.[43]
September 18, 2013:
Student Veterans of America (SVA) and Kognito Interactive today announced a
partnership to provide institutions of higher education with a suite of online,
skill-building simulations that prepare faculty, staff, and student veterans to
recognize and address challenges that student veterans may face as they
transition from military to college life. These challenges include social isolation, cultural disparities, academic difficulties, and mental-health issues such as post-deployment stress disorder (PTSD), depression, thoughts of suicide, and traumatic brain injury (TBI).[44]
September 30, 2013:
D. Wayne Robinson named the 4th Executive Director of Student
Veterans of America.
November 5, 2013:
Current executive director D. Wayne Robinson issues the following response to the announcement that Mike Dakduk will be
working with the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities (APSCU)
as the Vice President of Military and Veterans Affairs: “SVA has always
maintained that there are good and bad actors across the spectrum of higher
education. Having earned my undergraduate degree from Trident University, a
private for-profit institution will continue to approach our relationship with
APSCU with the same expectations and standards we have for other organizations
in the higher education space, such as the American Council on Education. SVA maintains its support of closing the
90/10 loophole, thus removing the financial incentive for for-profits to
heavily recruit veterans and military personnel. To ensure the organization's
own transparency and accountability, SVA does not accept donations, grants, or
any sort of financial incentive from for-profit institutions.”
November 11, 2013: SVA announces the Vet Center Initiative partnership with Home Depot that will award $100,000 consisting of 5-10 grants ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 to chapters for the purpose of renovating – or building – a veteran resource center on their campus.[45]
[1] Retrieved from: http://www.militaryconnection.com/events/pdfs/twenty-schools-veterans-national-conference.pdf
[2] Retrieved from: http://www.dleg.state.mi.us/bcs_corp/image.asp?FILE_TYPE=UCO&FILE_NAME=D200801\2008024\00000385.tif
[3] Veterans of Foreign Wars.(2012). Student Veterans of America & VFW: Working Together for America’s Heroes. Retrieved from: http://www.vfwny.com/magicscroll/Documents/Student%20Veterans%20of%20America-VFW.pdf
[4] Billings, Kenneth. Campbell named national SVA president. December 6, 2010. Retrieved from: http://www.msstate.edu/web/media/detail.php?id=5099
[5] Student Veterans of America.(2010). Student Veterans of America 2010 National Conference Event Registration Page. Accessed on: December 3, 2013. Retrieved from: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/student-veterans-of-america-2010-national-conference-tickets-610416773
[6] Library of Congress. (2011). S.3447: All Congressional Actions and Amendments. Accessed on: December 14, 2013. Retrieved from: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d111:SN03447:@@@S
[7] Government Printing Office. (2011). Public Law 111-377: Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Improvements Act of 2010. Accessed on: December 14, 2013. Retrieved from: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-111publ377/pdf/PLAW-111publ377.pdf
[8] U.S. Government Accountability Office. (2010). For-Profit Colleges: Undercover Testing Finds Colleges Encouraged Fraud and Engaged in Deceptive and Questionable Marketing Practices. Retrieved from: http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d10948t.pdf
[9] United States House of Representatives. (1974). 38 U.S.C. 3696 - LIMITATION ON CERTAIN ADVERTISING, SALES, AND ENROLLMENT PRACTICES. U.S. Government Printing Office. Retrieved from: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCODE-2011-title38/pdf/USCODE-2011-title38-partIII-chap36-subchapII-sec3696.pdf
[10] SVA Fact Sheet. Vets Prevail. September 18, 2012. Retrieved from: https://www.vetsprevail.org/posts/175-sva-fact-sheet
[11] Student Veterans of America. Student Veterans of America National Leadership Council Formed. April 6, 2011. Retrieved from: http://myemail.constantcontact.com/SVA-National-Leadership-Council-Created.html?soid=1102247846799&aid=AzmD43IOpAY
[12] Student Veterans of America.(2011). Student Veterans of America 2011 Leadership Summit Event Registration page. Accessed on: December 3, 2013. Retrieved from: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=p7yorrcab&oeidk=a07e3a101x084456385
[13] Brewin, Bob. Under debt deal, military pay, veterans programs in play for cuts. Government Executive. August 3, 2011. Retrieved from: http://www.govexec.com/defense/2011/08/under-debt-deal-military-pay-veterans-programs-in-play-for-cuts/34557/
[14] Disabled Vet Kicked Out of College. Fox and Friends. Fox News Corporation. September 23, 2011. Retrieved from: http://video.foxnews.com/v/1181448445001/
[15] Retrieved from: https://www.facebook.com/studentvets/posts/172347499516840
[16] Retrieved from: http://www.omaha.com/article/20111104/NEWS01/711049885/0#.TrQ6DeuE90E.twitter
[17] Retrieved from: http://www.startribune.com/local/191619261.html?page=all&prepage=1&c=y#continue
[18] Retrieved from: http://chronicle.com/article/Senators-Mull-Changes-in-90-10/126564/
[19] Fain, Paul. Outside the Lines. Inside Higher Ed. March 7, 2012. Retrieved from: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2012/03/07/unregulated-profits-receive-big-chunk-military-spouse-tuition-aid#ixzz1oRdALoSu
[20] Maze, Rick. Webb: Limit GI Bill at for-profit schools. March 9, 2012. Retrieved from: http://www.militarytimes.com/article/20120309/NEWS/203090315/Webb-Limit-GI-Bill-at-for-profit-schools
[21] Federal News Radio. How common are government trademarks? March 9, 2012. Retrieved from: http://www.federalnewsradio.com/?nid=367&sid=2780255
[22] Retrieved from: http://www.murray.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/newsreleases?ContentRecord_id=1df74132-a1ef-4bf5-aba7-741d2897a2c8
[23] Shane, Leo III. Student vets group shuts down sham chapters at for-profit colleges. April 5, 2012. Stars and Stripes. Retrieved from: http://www.stripes.com/news/student-vets-group-shuts-down-sham-chapters-at-for-profit-colleges-1.173675
[24] Retrieved from: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/06/opinion/a-good-education-with-the-gi-bill.html?src=tp&_r=0
[25] Dakduk, Michael. Post 9/11 GI Bill Allow For-Profit Colleges to Take Advantage of Veterans. PolicyMic. April 18, 2012. Retrieved from: http://www.policymic.com/articles/7120/post-9-11-gi-bill-allows-for-profit-colleges-to-take-advantage-of-veterans/headline_story
[26] Veterans for Common Sense. SVA Revokes Sham chapter at 40 For-Profit Schools. April 5, 2012. Retrieved from: http://veteransforcommonsense.org/2012/04/09/sva-revokes-sham-chapters-at-40-for-profit-schools/
[27] Horton, Alex. Student Vets Group Outs Schools with Revoked Charters. Vantage Point. April 26, 2012. Retrieved from: http://www.blogs.va.gov/VAntage/6536/student-vets-group-outs-schools-with-revoked-charters/
[28] Gearan, Anne. Obama targets diploma mills that market to vets. The Associated Press. April 27, 2012. Retrieved from: http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2012-04/D9UDD8FG2.htm
[29] Retrieved from: http://abcnews.go.com/Business/president-obama-signs-executive-order-protecting-veterans-inundated/story?id=16219870&page=2
[30] Retrieved from: http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/opinion/editorials/story/2012-05-13/veterans-for-profit-colleges/54946882/1
[31] Retrieved from: http://www.marinecorpstimes.com/article/20120605/NEWS/206050314/Schools-cooperating-with-new-order-VA-says
[32] Retrieved from: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2012/07/10/profit-ashford-university-loses-accreditation-bid#.T_7BbLZwTJg.twitter
[33] Retrieved from: http://www.startribune.com/opinion/commentaries/162286136.html
[34] Retrieved from: http://articles.latimes.com/2012/jul/16/nation/la-na-vets-colleges-20120716
[35] Retrieved from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/davidhalperin/debt-and-no-degree_b_1716940.html
[36] [36] American Legion. For-profit schools defend themselves. August 24, 2012. http://www.legion.org/convention/211788/profit-schools-defend-themselves
[37] Lang, Kevin and Weinstein, Russell.(2012). Working Paper 18201: Evaluating Student Outcomes at For-Profit Colleges. National Bureau of Economic Research.
[38] Google, Inc. Global Impact Award to improve veterans’ higher education. November 13, 2013. Retrieved from: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2013/11/global-impact-award-to-improve-veterans.html
[39] Student Veterans of America. Student Veterans of America Partners with The HSC Foundation to Power the National Veterans Center. January 9, 2013. Retrieved from: http://www.studentveterans.org/index.php/media-news/50-student-veterans-of-america-partners-with-the-hsc-foundation-to-power-the-national-veterans-center.html
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[41] Retrieved from: http://veterans.house.gov/witness-testimony/mr-michael-dakduk-1
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