Sunday, November 24, 2013

Michael Dakduk, Student Veterans of American & the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities: A Closer Look at APSCU

The Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities (APSCU), previously known as the Career College Association was formed in 1991 as a result of a merger between National Association of Trade and Technical Schools and the Association of Independent Colleges and Schools.[1] APSCU is a voluntary membership organization of accredited, private postsecondary schools, institutes, colleges and universities that provide career-specific educational programs. APSCU has about 1,400 member institutions offering a wide range of higher education programs to include: master's and doctorate degrees, two- and four-year associate and baccalaureate degree programs, and short-term certificate and diploma programs. Among the roughly 200 occupational fields APSCU institutions provide programs for are as follows: information technology; allied health; business administration; commercial art; radio and television broadcasting; and culinary and hospitality management. APSCU's bylaws require that all institutional members be accredited by a national or regional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.[2]

Among the purposes of APSCU is to promote the interests of its members and their executives, faculty, administrators, and students as well as the employers for whom our students are being educated by engaging in grassroots, state and federal advocacy. In doing so APSCU provides its members with "an office in Washington" and offers a number of benefits most notably the political action committee APSCUPAC.[3] APSCUPAC is a voluntary, nonpartisan fund that supports political committees and federal candidates for elected office “that advocate and pursue government policies that promote career education and an equal playing field for private sector college students and institutions.”[4]

Having provided a brief description of APSCU a more detailed description of the organization’s recent history is included below:

August 1, 2007: Career College Association member Corinthian Colleges Inc. agreed to pay $6.5-million to avoid a lawsuit by the State of California, after three year investigation by the state attorney regarding allegations the company’s colleges misled students about job-placement rates and career opportunities after they graduated. The settlement, which contained no admission of wrongdoing by Corinthian, included a commitment from Corinthian to reforming its practices for the future.” $5.8-million — will serve as restitution to students, in the form of refunds ($4.3-million) and debt cancellation ($1.5-million). The settlement also required the company to pay $500,000 in civil penalties and $200,000 in costs.[5]
September 2010: The Career College Association changes its name to the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities[6]
September 2010: Kathleen Bittel, a career services adviser at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh’s online division, testifies before Senate HELP committee staff detailed "deceptive" job placement practices in which parent company Education Management Corporation encouraged rank-and-file workers to manipulate data.[7]
September 2010: Along with for-profit education industry giants Corinthian College and The Apollo Group, APSCU launches a multimillion dollar “My Career Counts” media campaign aimed at blocking passage of gainful employment legislation.[8],[9]
September 2010: APSCU adopts member code of conduct. [10]
February 18, 2011: Amendment 214 to H.R. 1 by Representative John Kline (R-MN) passes prohibiting the use of funds by the Department of Education to implement and enforce the gainful employment rule, which would prohibit college programs from receiving Federal student loans unless new complicated loan repayment criteria are met.[11]
June 2011: Harris N. Miller resigns after four years as president of APSCU[12]
July 2011: APSCU sues the U.S. Department of Education, charging that the agency's recently enacted regulation aimed at ensuring that vocational programs prepare students for "gainful employment" is unconstitutional. [13]
August 2011: U.S. Department of Justice intervened and filed a complaint in a whistleblower suit pending under the False Claims Act against APSCU member, Education Management Corp. (EDMC) and several affiliated entities. In its complaint, the government alleges that EDMC falsely certified compliance with provisions of federal law that prohibit a university from paying incentive-based compensation to its admissions recruiters that is tied to the number of students they recruit and therefore not eligible for the $11 billion in state and federal financial aid it had received from July 2003 through June 2011.[14],[15]
January 2012: APSCU names longtime advocate of traditional higher education and former Congressman Steve Gunderson (R-WI) president. Previously, Gunderson served as President and CEO of the Council on Foundations, a Washington, DC-based nonprofit membership association of approximately 2,100 grant making foundations and corporations.[16],[17],[18]
February 8, 2012: An APSCU press release confirms the organization has joined a coalition with 9 higher education and veteran service organizations that sent letters to the House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committees, and the White House stating their “commitment to protect every veteran who seeks to use his or her Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits, regardless of which higher education institution they choose to attend, and assist veterans in making informed decisions about their higher education options.” Along with APSCU the coalition included the following organizations: American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, American Council on Education, American Legion, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, National Association for College Admission Counseling, National Association of State Approving Agencies, Student Veterans of America, University of Phoenix and Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. The press release goes on to state, “The politically-charged climate created by some in Washington has enabled the perpetuation of a few anecdotes to tarnish the education of nearly 200,000 veteran-students and consequently knee-jerk, reactionary legislative proposals, which would significantly limit postsecondary access to our servicemembers and veterans.”[19]
February 28, 2012: Protecting Academic Freedom in Higher Education Act (H.R. 2117) sponsored by Representative Virginia, Fox (R-NC) is passed in the House of Representatives. Specifically, the bill would repeal Department of Education regulations mandating “that colleges obtain authorization from the states in which they enroll students in order to receive federal financial aid for those students. Under current rules, a school can get approval in one state and then enroll students online from numerous states.”[20],[21]
March 2012: A Chronicle of Higher Education article report that The Chronicle had obtained a document from an anonymous source describing “Project Rose” a campaign quietly pursued by APSCU. The goal of the project was to change the vernacular of the sector to de-emphasize its retail-grade jargon.[22],[23]
March 2012: National Center for Education Statistics report confirms that of first time, full-time students seeking bachelor’s degrees at college and universities graduation rates (within 6 years) at For-Profit, Public and Nonprofit Institutions were 28.4%, 56% and 65.4% respectively. Among first-time, full-time students attending 2-year institutions seeking associate’s degree or professional certificates graduation rates (within 3 years) at For-Profit, Public and Nonprofit Institutions were 61.7%, 22.5% and 53.1% respectively. Finally, among first-time, full-time students seeking professional certificates attending less than 2 year institutions graduation rates (within 3 years) at For-Profit, Public and Nonprofit Institutions were 66.0%, 70.3% and 75.3% respectively.[24]
March 8, 2012: APSCU CEO Steve Gunderson testifies before House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity. Gunderson was quoted as saying, “The key to narrowing the skills gap and reducing veterans’ unemployment is an ‘all-hands-on-deck’ approach to postsecondary education.” Additionally, Gunderson stated that, “The VA should ensure that veterans are provided with the information and resources about their educational options. Veterans should utilize that information to make informed education choices and schools should provide the quality of education veterans deserve through the benefits they have earned.”[25]
April 5, 2012: Student Veterans of America initially reports suspending 40 of its chapters at for-profit colleges for improperly promoting the universities and not being sufficiently student-run. AP says that the “essentially fake SVA chapters” helped the schools get onto lists of “military friendly” or “veterans friendly” colleges.[26]
April 26, 2012: Student Veterans of America publicly names 26 of 40 suspended chapters. Reinstates 14 chapters initially suspended. SVA indicated they have 35 for-profit-college chapters in good standing, including the 14 that were reinstated. This would suggest that 40 percent (26/61) of for-profit college chapters were set up as “shell organizations to help them appeal to veteran students who carry lucrative government tuition benefits.” In a statement, Steve Gunderson, President of the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities, said officials there were unaware of any problems with members’ SVA chapters before the announcement. "Obviously, we take our commitments to and our service for veterans very seriously," he said. "Once we learn of the specific schools, we will reach out to them to determine if there are misunderstandings or problems that can be resolved.[27]
April 26, 2012: In response to President Obama signing Executive Order 13607 (Establishing Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions Serving Service Members, Veterans, Spouses, and Other Family Members), APSCU CEO Steve Gunderson states that “APSCU is disappointed that in the midst of these discussions, the President decided to bypass the Congress to address these issues with an Executive Order.” Gunderson goes on to state, "Despite today's deeply unfortunate development, private sector schools remain committed to continuing to work with the White House, Congress and veteran service organizations toward the improvement of military- and veteran-education, and will continue to focus on preparing students to enter and succeed in the 21st Century workforce."[28],[29]
May 2012: The FBI and US Department of Education Office of Inspector General executed a search warrant at campuses of then APSCU member, Fasttrain College as part of a joint investigation uncovered "deceptive and otherwise questionable sales and marketing practices" resulting in a criminal investigation.[30]
May 16, 2012: APSCU CEO Steve Gunderson testifies before the U.S. House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity during a hearing regarding the Executive Order 13607 signed by President Obama. He was quoted as saying, "Solutions to many of the other areas of concern raised by the President, and even by Capitol Hill, can be addressed through the existing oversight framework already in place. In fact, private sector colleges and universities are one of the most highly-regulated groups in the country, and the so-called 'triad' - a reinforcing network of federal, state and non-governmental accrediting bodies - provides an enhanced level of oversight to ensure minimum levels of program and institutional quality are achieved." Gunderson also stated that, “Since the (Post 9/11 GI Bill) benefits began in 2009, time-and-time again veteran-students have cited the reason for their decision to attend public two-year institutions and private sector colleges and universities is the simple fact that our schools have the greatest capacity to meet their educational needs. As non-traditional students, veterans in particular value many of the institutional qualities, which are inherently ingrained into the framework of private sector colleges and universities, such as geographic proximity to home or work, institutional emphasis on the adult-learner, flexible class schedules, and campuses in other states."[31]
June 11, 2012: In preparation for an upcoming Senate Hearing, APSCU announces the release of its “Five Tenets of Veterans Education,” a set of core principles and standards by which career-sector educational institutions will ensure positive outcomes for veterans, spouses, and dependents who attend their schools and ensure they have the right to choose the best education for their needs and goals. These tenets include a renewed focus on: 1) Veteran counseling; 2) Disclosure rules governing all institutions of higher education; 3) A centralized complaint system developed with sector input; 4) Collaborative work with the federal government on veteran outcomes; and 5) APSCU convening a special Blue Ribbon Commission that will facilitate a series of panels on the issue.[32]
June 27, 2012: 20 state attorneys general announced a court settlement with the Allied APSCU member, QuinStreet Inc., that shut down the website and turn that web address over to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Additionally, Quinstreet Inc., agreed to pay a $2.5 million fine and to provide better disclosures on its multiple marketing websites that target veterans and active duty military. The investigation included a review of 8,000 emails to QuinStreet through the site, many of which came from veterans who thought they were communicating with government officials.[33]
June 27, 2012: In response to the investigation by state attorneys general regarding misleading Internet recruitment of veterans APSCU President Steve Gunderson issues statement “that we condemn any activity by companies that mislead veterans, and we continue to work with our members and other stakeholders on initiatives designed to promote clear and unambiguous communications with students and prospective students." However, APSCU does not mention nor does it revoke the membership of Quinstreet, Inc. as an allied member. As of June 2013, Quinstreet, Inc. was still listed as an allied member of APSCU.[34],[35]
June 30, 2012: FastTrain College closes all seven campuses in Florida on June 30, 2012 and is subsequently removed from APSCU membership rolls.[36]
July 29, 2012: In response to the Senate HELP Committee Report entitled “For Profit Higher Education: The Failure to Safeguard the Federal Investment and Ensure Student Success” APSCU CEO Steve Gunderson commented that “Instead of joining the conversation about ways to expand access to postsecondary education, Senator Harkin is attacking schools that are currently providing instruction to 3.8 million students.” Gunderson also states that “The report twists the facts to fit a narrative, proving that this is nothing more than continued political attacks on private sector colleges and universities.”[37]
August 24, 2012: Michael Dakduk participates in a roundtable discussion along with representatives from APSCU and their member institutions on the Treatment of military veterans by for-profit colleges and universities at the 2012 American Legion Convention. Dakduk scapegoats the media for “influencing public and political opinion of veterans’ education” as it relates to the for-profit sector and states that “I think this (roundtable) is a testament to what key players are really doing.” These comments were apparently made in light for-profit representatives’ vehement criticism of the Senate HELP committee report on for-profit higher education and ensure student success led the Senator Tom Harkin, in particular, Suzanne Palmer of the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities. [38]
November 9, 2012: APSCU Announces Formation of Blue Ribbon Taskforce for Military and Veterans Education. Student Veterans of America Executive Director Michael Dakduk is named as a Special Advisor to the taskforce.[39]
January 10, 2013: Steve Gunderson, president and chief executive officer of APSCU issues statement applauding President Obama for signing the Improving Transparency of Education Opportunities for Veterans Act of 2012 into law.[40]
February 2013: APSCU publishes findings from Blue Ribbon Task Force for Military and Veteran Education.[41]
March 2013: APSCU member, Education Management Corp. disclosed that it is under investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission for possible accounting irregularities.[42]
March 15, 2013: APSCU CEO Steve Gunderson releases a statement in response to legislation offered by Senator Kay Hagan (D-NC) banning colleges and universities from using federal dollars for marketing, advertising and recruitment. Gunderson states that the legislation “fails to recognize the many ways Americans are accessing information about postsecondary education. Advertising can shine a light on available opportunities for all citizens and should be encouraged rather than restricted. What this legislation does is limit information, and by doing so it limits access.”[43]
June 2013: Student Veterans of America Executive Director Michael Dakduk attends APSCU Convention in Orlando, Florida. Dakduk sat on a panel focusing on the President’s Executive Order 13607: Establishing Principles of Excellence for Educational Institutions and Public Law 112-249: Improving Transparency of Education Opportunities for Veterans.[44]
June 2013: Los Angeles County Superior Court Arbitrator awarded Anna Berkowitz and her father Martin $217,000 in the first of over 1,000 individual lawsuits to be tried or arbitrated, against Pasadena-based Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, an APSCU member institution. The arbitrator found that Le Cordon Bleu and its parent company Career Education Corp., committed fraud when they recruited Berkowitz out of high school and convinced her and her father that borrowing almost $40,000 to pay for eight months of training at the school would make her “a shoe-in” to land a job as a Pastry Chef earning $75,000 a year to start, according to a news statement.[45]
June 12, 2013: APSCU CEO Steve Gunderson testifies at Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee's Hearing on Voluntary Military Education Programs, most notably the military tuition assistance program. Even while investing in education programs, our schools have been successful in reducing the cost of attendance for our students. Recently, the U.S. Department of Education released an analysis that compares the average costs at institutions between 2010-11 and 2012-13. In that testimony Gunderson stated, “Only our institutions experienced a reduction in the average costs--2.2 percent; other sectors experienced an increase in costs, with public in-state cost increasing 6.7 percent, public out-of-state increasing 4.1 percent, and private nonprofit rising 3.1 percent.”[46]
June 20, 2013: APSCU CEO Steve Gunderson testifies before House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity. During his testimony Gunderson was quoted as stating: “Our institutions experienced a higher growth in degrees than all others between 2010-11 and 2011-12. Degrees conferred by our institutions increased 8.6 percent, compared with 5.2 percent by public and 3.2 percent by private nonprofits.”[47]
July 23, 2013: APSCU CEO Steve Gunderson testifies at Senate Hearing on Improving Educational Outcomes for Military and Veterans. Highlight of this testimony include the following comment: “Unfortunately, the 90/10 Rule encourages institutions to not enroll students most in need of postsecondary education simply because they use the federal funds made available by the government. The 90/10 Rule is not a measure of institutional quality. It is a financial calculation that is a measure of the socioeconomic position of the student population served by an institution.”[48]
August 2013: APSCU member ATI Career Training Center, which had campuses in Florida, Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico, agreed to shut down and pay $3.7 million to settle lawsuits brought by whistleblowers in Florida and Texas, and joined by the Justice Department. Further, ATI did not admit any wrongdoing despite allegations from a nearly 4 year investigation that ATI "engaged in a widespread scheme to defraud" federal and state authorities in order to receive federal funding to which it wasn't entitled and top ATI officials "were aware of and / or encouraged the fraud." Arthur Benjamin was, from 2005 to 2011, the CEO of the privately-held for-profit college ATI Career Training Center, which offered programs in fields including health care, information technology, and car repair. From 2005 to 2011, Benjamin also served on the board of directors of the Career College Association, now called APSCU, the chief lobbying group of for-profit colleges. Currently, Benjamin serves as board of director’s vice-chair for American Institute, another APSCU member. APSCU drops ATI Career Training Center from its membership rolls after agreeing to shut down. [49],[50],[51],[52]
August 15, 2013: A Minnesota jury ordered Globe University in Woodbury, an APSCU member, to pay $395,000 to a former dean of the school’s medical assistant program who said she was fired in 2011 for complaining about unethical practices at the for-profit school.[53]
August 19, 2013: New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman announces a $10.25 million settlement with Career Education Corporation (“CEC”), an APSCU member. Settlement followed an investigation that revealed that in disclosures made to students, accreditors, and New York State, CEC significantly inflated its graduates’ job placement rates. CEC agreed to pay $9.25 million in restitution to students, a $1 million penalty, and has agreed to substantial changes in how the company calculates and verifies placement rates.[54]
October 10, 2013: California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris files lawsuit against APSCU member Corinthian Colleges and its subsidiaries (Everest, Heald and WyoTech colleges)” for false and predatory advertising, intentional misrepresentations to students, securities fraud and unlawful use of military seals in advertisements.”[55]
October 17, 2013: APSCU publishes "Best Practices in Recruitment and Admissions."[56]
October 31, 2013: APSCU member, Sullivan and Cogliano Training Centers Inc. agrees to $425,000 settlement with Massachusetts Attorney General’s office after allegations that it misrepresented job placement numbers and made other misleading statements.[57]
November 5, 2013: APSCU announces Michael Dakduk as its new Vice President of Military and Veterans Affairs after having previously served as executive director of Student Veterans of America.[58]

[1] Imagine America Foundation.(2007). In Service to America: Celebrating 165 Years of Career and Professional Education. McGraw-Hill. Retrieved from:

[2] About APSCU. Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities. Date accessed: November 23, 2013. Retrieved from:

[3] Educational Membership. Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities. Date accessed: November 23, 2013. Retrieved from:

[4] APSCUPAC Facts. Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities. Date accessed: November 23, 2013. Retrieved from:

[5] Blumenstyk, Goldie. Corinthian Colleges Will Pay $6.5 Million to Settle California Lawsuit. The Chronicle of Higher Education. August 1, 2007. Retrieved From:

[6] Blumenstyk, Goldie. Career College Association to Change Its Name. The Chronicle of Higher Education. June 9, 2010. Retrieved from:

[7] Burd, Stephen. Higher Ed Watch: A Key Witness at Senate Hearing Will Reveal How For-Profit Colleges Cook the Books on Job Placements. New America Foundation. September 28, 2010. Retrieved from:

[8] Epstein, Jennifer. For-Profits Battle on Many Fronts. Inside Higher Ed. September 29, 2010. Retrieved from:

[9] Epstein, Jennifer. Phoenix Pays to Tell Its Story. Inside Higher Ed. September 1, 2010. Retrieved from:

[10] Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities. (2010).Code of Conduct for Private Sector Colleges and Universities. Retrieved from:

[11] H.AMDT.94.(2011). Retrieved from:

[12] Lederman, Doug. Changeover for Career College Group. Inside Higher Ed. June 20, 2011. Retrieved from:

[13] For-Profit College Group Sues to Block ‘Gainful Employment’. Inside Higher Ed. July 21, 2011. Retrieved from:

[14] U.S. Department of Justice. U.S. Files Complaint Against Education Management Corp. Alleging False Claims Act Violations. August 8, 2011. Retrieved from:

[15] Lewin, Tamar. For-Profit College Group Sued as U.S. Lays Out Wide Fraud. The New York Times. August 8, 2011. Retrieved from:

[16] Gunderson, Steve. Investing in America’s Future: The Case for Higher Education. The Greystone Group. Date Accessed: November 11, 2013. Retrieved from:

[17] Shively, Neil. Where are they now? Steve Gunderson. January 30, 2009. Retrieved from:

[18] Fain, Paul. Kinder, Gentler Approach? Inside Higher Ed. January 23, 2012. Retrieved from:

[19] APSCU Joins Broad Coalition in Support of Veteran Education. February 8, 2012. Retrieved from:

[20] H.R. 2117.(2012). Retrieved from:

[21] Halperin, David. Latest Pledge of Fealty To Donors, Votes Against Accountability for For-Profit Colleges. March 1, 2012. Retrieved from:

[22] Blumenstyk, Goldie. By Any Other Name: For-Profit Colleges Watch Their Language. The Chronicle of Higher Education. March 11, 2012. Retrieved from:

[23] Halperin, David. The Blueprint Of The For-Profit Newspeak Campaign. The Republic Report. March 12, 2012. Retrieved from:

[24] Knapp, Laura G, Kelly-Reid, Janice E & Ginder, Scott A.(2012). Enrollment in Postsecondary Institutions, Fall 2010; Financial Statistics, Fiscal Year 2010; and Graduation Rates, Selected Cohorts, 2002-07. U.S. Department of Education: National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from:

[25] APSCU Calls For Collective Effort To Reduce Veterans Unemployment. March 8, 2012. Retrieved from:

[26] Shane, Leo III. Student vets group shuts down sham chapters at for-profit colleges. April 5, 2012. Stars and Stripes. Retrieved from:

[27] Veterans for Common Sense. SVA Revokes Sham chapter at 40 For-Profit Schools. April 5, 2012. Retrieved from:

[28] Executive Order 13607.(2012). Retrieved from:

[29] APSCU. APSCU Responds To White House Executive Order. April 26, 2012. Retrieved From:

[30] Brown, Stephanie. FBI raids for-profit school on southside. Cox Media Group. May 16, 2012. Retrieved from:

[31] House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Witness Testimony of The Honorable Steve Gunderson, President and CEO Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities (APSCU). May 16, 2012. Retrieved from:

[32] APSCU Issues New Oversight Tenets For Veteran Success:Career Colleges & Universities Establish Principles & Offer Insight For Upcoming Senate Hearing. June 11, 2012. Retrieved from:

[33] Shane, Leo III. shut down in settlement over defrauding veterans. Stars and Stripes. June 27, 2012. Retrieved from:

[34] APSCU Responds To Investigation On Misleading Internet Recruitment of Veterans. Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities. June 27, 2012. Retrieved from:

[35] Halperin, David. For-Profit College Trade Group: Protectors of Bad Behavior. Huffington Post. June 18, 2013. Retrieved from:

[36] (n.d.) Florida Career College to teach-out FastTrain College students. Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools. Date Accessed: November 21, 2013. Retrieved From:

[37] APSCU Responds To Release of Report by Senator Harkin. July 29, 2012. Retrieved from:

[38] American Legion. For-profit schools defend themselves. August 24, 2012.

[39] APSCU Announces Formation of Blue Ribbon Taskforce for Military and Veterans Education. November 9, 2012. Retrieved from:

[40] APSCU Applauds President Obama for Signing Veterans' Education Bill Into Law. January 10, 2013. Retrieved from:

[41] Best Practices for Military and Veteran Students. February 2013. Retrieved from:

[42] Boselovic, Len & Lindeman, Teresa F. SEC investigating Education Management Corp. March 22, 2013. Retrieved from:

[43] APSCU Responds to Legislation Limiting Marketing, Advertising, and Recruitment in Higher Ed. March 15, 2013. Retrieved From:

[44] Date accessed: November 23, 2013. Retrieved from:

[45] Arbitrator Samuel G. Jackson Awards Anna Berkowitz and Father Martin $217,000. Pasadena Now. June 17, 2013. Retrieved from:

[46] APSCU CEO Testifies at Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee's Hearing on Voluntary Military Education Programs. June 12. 2013. Retrieved from:

[47] APSCU CEO Testifies Before House Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity. June 20 , 2013. Retrieved From:

[48] APSCU CEO Testifies at Senate Hearing on Improving Educational Outcomes for Military and Veterans. July 23, 2013. Retrieved from:

[49] Halperin, David. Gallery: Fun Fueled by For-Profit College Fraud. The Huffington Post. September 3, 2013. Retrieved from:

[50] About APSCU: CCA 2010-2011 Board of Directors. Career College Association. Accessed on: November 21, 2013. Retrieved from:

[51] Harris, Byron. Government: ATI fraudulently obtained student funds. WFAA-TV, Inc. September 2, 2012. Retrieved from:

[52] Halperin, David. Discredited For-Profit College Operator Still Part of APSCU Trade Group. The Huffington Post. October 11, 2013. Retrieved from:

[53] Lerner, Maura. Ex-dean wins whistleblower lawsuit against Globe University. Minneapolis Star Tribune. August 15, 2013. Retrieved from:

[54] A.G. Schneiderman Announces Groudbreaking $10.25 Million Dollar Settlement With For-Profit Education Company That Inflated Job Placement Rates to Attract Students. August 19, 2013. Retrieved from:

[55] Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Files Suit in Alleged For-Profit College Predatory Scheme. October 10, 2013. Retrieved from:

[56] Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities. APSCU Sets Benchmarks for Recruitment and Admissions Best Practices. October 17, 2013. Retrieved from:

[57] Finucane, Martin. Attorney general reaches $425,000 settlement with for-profit school. October 31, 2013. Retrieved from:

[58] Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities. Student Veteran Leader Joins APSCU as Vice President of Military and Veterans Affairs. November 5, 2013. Retrieved from:

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